Sunday, April 1, 2007


Thanks for entering the contest. These are the winners.

First: Dave

Second: Angie

Third: Sister Dorrance

Dave and Angie, we'll be sending your prizes in the mail soon. Sister Dorrance, we'll bring yours to church on Sunday.

Here are the right answers:

1. Vizorak
2. Vezon
3. Lando Calrissian

Congratulations to those winners!


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!

Natalie said...

How in the world did I win? I am so confused! I won't be there this Sunday so be good Brandon! I know you will be. Sister Nickerson (Elizabeth's Mom) will be substituting for me. See you when I get back!

Sis. Dorrance

Ang said...

Brandon-I got my award in the mail. Thank you so much! You are the coolest. I love my stickers. You're the best nephew an Aunt could ask for :-).

Love you,
Aunt Angie