Sunday, February 25, 2007

My new diary

Hey, guys. I started a new diary. I finished a couple of pages of my diary. It's brand new. This is what it says in the diary:

Hi. My name is Brandon. In this diary, you will see my life. 1. I like Bionicles. 2. I love to wrestle. 3. I love riding two-wheelers.

But that isn't the end:
I like to pet. I like lots of stuff. But this is supposed to be at the end. Now let's look at my life. The Piraka is my favorite team because they have spines on the top of their heads. Cool! Here's a picture of a Piraka guy.

Ok, now I'm at church. Now I'm back. Thank you.

So, that's part of my diary. Bye bye for now!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Most happy boy on earth

On Saturday, I was the happiest kid on earth. I was surprised that my basketball trophy was the biggest one. It's as big as both of my hands stacked together. And my baseball one from last year is about as little as just my plain hand. And I found out some secrets about my trophy. There was a sticker on it that you could rip off. So then I could see my name clearer. And I was happy.