Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bionicle super music video

Today I was listening to a music song on Bionicle. And I just love it. And it's fun to listen to it because I like it a lot. You can see it if you go here:

Click on the third one that says BIONICLE music video online. And if you listen to it, it's pretty cool.

**edit**I want to learn how to play the steel drum. And today we went to the cafeteria and listened to some steel drums and it was SO fun.

My favorite things about school are recess and lunch. Cause I love lunch. But it's weird because sometimes after lunch we just do some work and then we go straight to centers and then we just have snack. It's like 10 minutes after lunch we have food again. It is SOOOOOOO weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Brandon - Hey, you updated your blog! I love it. That's pretty neat that there is a super music video with bionicles! I love music too. I remember when I was in the 3rd grade they took us into a music room and showed us all the different band instruments (pictures of them) and played us a recording of the different sounds they made. I loved it so much - I think it was my favorite day at school ever. My heart was beating really fast the whole time because I was so excited to learn about the different sounds the instruments made. Would you like to learn to play an instrument? I think you would love it! What is your favorite thing about school? I am glad I got to go in your school when we visited you. It seemed like there were lots of nice kids and teachers.

Thanks for updating - I will remind Ethan and Jonas and Lauren and Reagan and Jane what your blog address is so they can read it and write to you!

See you soon,
Grandma Sweat