Monday, December 17, 2007

Space Christmas movie

[Btrain lego master and his daddio made this movie and it is cracks me up. I was trying to wait for B to include his commentary, but he's being too slow about it, so I'm posting it now and may add his thoughts later. Enjoy!]


Natalie said...

That was so funny. I think my favorite part was hi fives for being alive! Yeah buddy!

shelley said...

Great movie. I laughed out loud several times. And tell your daddy he did great evil voices. Good thing that scary giant horse was there to save the day!

Anonymous said...

Merry Space Chrismtas Btrainlegoboy! So glad Darrell wasn't dead - I had almost given up hope!
Grandma Sweat

Anonymous said...

George Lucas started out the same way, Brandon. Keep it up.
Good "steady cam" work.
Great sound effects.
Good use of close ups.
And everybody likes a happy ending.
Merry Christmas.
Great-grandpa Hiatt

Joey/Denny/Emma said...

Wow, very impressive. Snappy dialogue (including social commentary), gripping action, and brilliant cinematography. Thanks, Brandon. You're a great filmmaker!

Anonymous said...

That was great! My favorite was Brandon's "death" scene. I really thought Darrell was a goner.