Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I have some ties here. Amy got two. Natalie got one. And Patrick got two. So, Patrick and Amy have to enter a tiebreaker contest.

The answers are:
1. Horseshoe crab
2. Manta Ray
3. Mercury

This is a picture of yoda with a rainbow.
That is first place prize.

This is a picture of all sorts of forces.
This is second.

This is third. It is a picture of a pattern.

All three prizes have a picture of 24 on the back.
That's Jeff Gordon's number.

Natalie, you get the third prize. Amy and Patrick will have to do the tiebreak contest. I'll try to write it tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Three things

You can still enter the contest, but my friend, Greg, tagged me to do this list.

Three Things I Love:
1. Legos
2. Bionicle
3. Star Wars

Three Things I Hate:
1. Nightmares
2. Bees
3. Pollen

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Brandon T.
2. Daddy
3. Sami

Three Things that Scare Me:
1. You
2. Bats
3. School

Three Things I Don't Understand:
1. Crazy words
2. Eyes
3. Sea anemones

Three Things On My Desk(at school):
1. My pencil box
2. Paper
3. My nametag

Three Things I Plan To Do Today:
1. Ride my bike
2. Play with Dad
3. Finish a level on Bionicle

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Be a NASCAR driver--totally
2. Be a scuba diver
3. Hitch rides onto gentle manta rays

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Build anything with legos
2. Play soccer
3. Play video games really good

Three Things I Can't Do:
1. Do a cartwheel
2. Climb onto a roof
3. Run away from frogs

Three Things I Miss:
1. Pre-K
2. Grandma and Grandpa
3. The Lakers

Three Things I'd Like to Learn:
1. To ride a skateboard
2. How to be an actor
3. How to over-explode a rocket from pop

Three Things I Regret:
1. Having a bloody nose
2. Getting my hair soaking wet at the water park
3. Leaving Grandma and Grandpa's house

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Three cheese pasta bake
2. Pizza
3. Chicken penne

Three Favorite TV Shows as a Kid:
1. Cartoon Star Wars
2. The Crocodile Hunter
3. Stuart Little 2

Three People I Tag:
1. Whit
2. Clara
3. Dad

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Second contest

Da di da di dah. I've thought of some hard questions here.

Guess these two animals:
1. It lives in the sand. (But not in sandboxes.) And it can live in the water. When it's upside down, it can flip itself over.

2. It eats fish. It's a type of ray. It's very gentle.

Guess this planet:
3. It can melt a tin pan. If you're an astronaut and you went on the planet, it could break some of your gear.

And the prizes are pictures that I drew. Good luck! And if you tie, you have to do a Mormon test.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


h,j, i,ik,ik,ik,ik,ik,ik,iokl,ik,ikik,ol.ik,ikl,ik,ol.


Thanks for entering the contest. These are the winners.

First: Dave

Second: Angie

Third: Sister Dorrance

Dave and Angie, we'll be sending your prizes in the mail soon. Sister Dorrance, we'll bring yours to church on Sunday.

Here are the right answers:

1. Vizorak
2. Vezon
3. Lando Calrissian

Congratulations to those winners!