Sunday, December 10, 2006

Double trouble daddy claddy

This is the giant A56 killer. But, he always falls apart. I was making him while I was getting ready for church. But there's lots of attaching to do. I just put on a piece that I was working on yesterday. And when I was done, I need to get Dalu and I'll need Vezok. Since I need him, in something that you can build you can make Vezok or Thok cause it needs extra pieces to it. Cause Vezok is the owner of the spider. And Thok needs to battle him. But I found out I had a piece from Kazi that I could put on Zaktan that I could paint it yellow and then put that piece onto Kazi. And if I get the gold bombs then I could take away the Vezok, Thok, and Reladak. I could take away their bombs.

Friday, December 8, 2006

The same and not the same

This is Garan the grandpa. But it's not really his grandpa.
I just took off his mask.
In October or September, I buyed Garan.
And it was pretty fun to play with him.

And this is the real Garan. And then I got into him.

And for only like 5 days or something I was able to play with him, but then I just lost him. I lost him.

This is Kazi. I got him from Target. He is part of the Voya Nui and he's pretty cool.

And today I was playing with Garan and Kazi. And then Garan and Kazi they were both tied with points. But then with Kazi I got the claws of him in the tiny little spaces of Garan's claws and then I lifted Garan up and I would swing him around and he would go FLLLYYYYIIIINNNG! And then Garan's weapons fell off and his head and his turbo blaster and then Kazi won all of those. Cause Kazi won the fight.

This is how Kazi looked when he had Garan's weapons and his weapons and the turbo blaster. And on the second lap he just boosted Garan's kidney's over.